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Let's Start With Those Pesky Marketing ROI Challenges.

We Budget for Marketing, Where Are My Leads?

Insufficient Lead Generation:

Your marketing campaigns are not attracting enough potential customers, leading to a shortfall in the sales pipeline.


High Customer Acquisition Costs:

The cost to acquire new customers is high, and the revenue generated is not justifying these expenses.


Low Conversion Rates:

The leads that are being generated are not converting into customers at the expected rate, indicating inefficiencies in the marketing funnel.

CRM and Data
Are We Reaching Out to the Right Prospects?

Ineffective Targeting:

Your lead scoring is not effectively identifying high-quality leads, resulting in wasted time and resources on unqualified prospects.

Low Engagement Rates:

Poor segmentation means you are pushing the wrong messaging to prospects, leading to low response and engagement rates.

Inadequate Lead Data:

Once a MQL is handed off, there is a lack of accurate and comprehensive data on deal stage, making it challenging to tailor approaches and build meaningful connections for longer sales cycles.

Content and Social
Why Aren't My Outreach Efforts Producing Results?

Multi-Touch Attribution Complexity:

Your interactions often involve multiple touch-points across various platforms, making it difficult to attribute leads accurately to a specific piece of content or social media post.


Lack of Direct Conversion Paths:

Social media content is typically part of the upper funnel activities, which means it may not directly lead to immediate conversions, making it harder to track your impact on driving leads.


Attribution Models Limitations:

Standard attribution models, such as last-click or first-click attribution, often do not adequately capture the nuanced journey of a lead influenced by content and social media, leading to underestimation of your impact.

Marketing Manager
Why is My Time Spent on Trivial Items? 

Reduced Flexibility for Experimentation:

As a one-person show, or small team you have less room to test new strategies, channels, or creative approaches, limiting opportunities to innovate and optimize marketing tactics.


Strained Resource Allocation:

Additionally, smaller budgets necessitate more stringent prioritization, often leading to tough decisions about which initiatives you will pursue and which to forego.


Challenges in Scaling Efforts:

Scaling successful campaigns requires additional investment, which you do not have, hindering your ability to amplify and sustain marketing success.

You Spend on Marketing, So Where Are Your Leads?

Right Audience: Are you targeting the right audience?

Channel Effectiveness: What's working Email, Social, Paid Ads, Events?

Value Proposition: Do you have a clear and compelling offer?

Call to Action: Do your prospects (or customers) know what to do next?

Track Performance: Are spreadsheets with incomplete data not enough?

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