Why Should B2B Care About Social Outreach?

Hurdles and Misconceptions A big challenge in working with B2B clients is relaying the value of curating and maintaining a social media hub around a website consistently. For many years I’ve sat across the table from veteran owner-operators, CEOs, and sales managers pleading my case for inbound engagement, usually to looks of disbelief. Often the […]

Online Video Marketing: Focus Products AND People

Face-to-face meetings and presentations are not always possible, location and travel restraints can quickly turn a warm lead cold. While video meeting services (Skype/Go-To-Meeting) satisfy an immediate and direct need, a majority of prospects will perform due diligence on your business before and after that conversation. Product and service videos (when done correctly) can position […]

Recent Activity

For the past 6+ months I worked closely with a local PR and Marketing Firm. It was eye-opening to see how my work in MarTech (Marketing Technologies) coupled with their objectives to increase exposure and opportunities for clients. In the months ahead, I’ll share high-level case studies related to those experiences.